Advanced Academics

The advanced academic resource teacher and classroom teachers teach nine higher order thinking strategies across all subject areas and grade levels. The strategies are embedded in lessons that incorporate 21st Century thinking skills and extend and enrich the Program of Studies (POS) for all learners. Student responses to the lessons are also used to collect evidence of advanced academic potential in order to ensure equity and increase access to advanced academic programs.

Advanced Academic Programs (AAP) Elementary Continuum of Services 

Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) is committed to challenging all students through talent  development efforts and differentiated instruction to meet the needs of advanced learners.  

FCPS offers a continuum of advanced academic services for all students in Grades K-12. The  continuum of services approach recognizes unique student needs and focuses on matching services,  not labeling students. Through the continuum, students have: 

• Multiple entry points for deeper learning opportunities in specific areas of need as they  develop.  

• A cluster group of students with similar academic needs to continue growing in their learning.  

Teachers, Advanced Academic Resource Teachers (AARTs), and school administrators work  together to provide the following levels of service at the elementary level:   

Access to Rigor, Grades K-6 (Level I)  

All students have opportunities to think critically, reason, and problem-solve.  

• All teachers use critical and creative thinking strategies in their lessons.  

• Classroom teachers provide opportunities using materials from the AAP Curriculum  Framework a minimum of once per quarter.  

Because Access to Rigor is for all FCPS students, there is not a screening process. 

Subject Specific Advanced Differentiation, Grades K-6 (Level II) 

Some students are strong in a specific subject area. Classroom teachers may adjust instruction for  students in these area(s) by: 

• Providing different assignments and resources in those subjects,  

• Grouping students by their strengths, interests, and readiness, and 

• Providing additional challenges using materials from the AAP Curriculum Framework.  Student needs for subject specific differentiation are re-evaluated each year at the local school.  

Part-Time Services, Grades 3-6 (Level III)  

Some students have advanced academic needs in multiple subject areas in addition to specific  subject differentiation. They need part-time AAP services.  

• Students work with other students that have similar academic needs through weekly pull-out  classes or weekly co-taught lessons with the AART and classroom teacher.  

• Teachers provide frequent opportunities to use materials from the AAP Curriculum Framework  in Language Arts, science, social studies, and/or mathematics.  

Part-time services continue through Grade 6. Students do not need to be evaluated each year.  

Full-Time Services, Grades 3-8 (Level IV)  

Some advanced learners need a full-time advanced academic program with differentiated instruction  in all four core content areas (Language Arts, mathematics, social studies, and science).  Students eligible for full-time AAP services are cluster grouped on a full-time basis and receive: 

• Full-time use of materials from the AAP Curriculum Framework in Language Arts,  mathematics, science, and social studies, and  

• Curriculum that is differentiated through acceleration, depth, and complexity of content.  Full-time services continue through Grade 8. Students do not need to be evaluated each year.  

Young Scholars

Young Scholars is designed to find and nurture advanced academic potential in students from historically underrepresented populations. Curricular interventions and support are provided through the collaboration of the classroom teacher and the advanced academic resource teacher. As students progress through elementary and secondary school, continuing support and opportunities for accessing rigorous coursework are provided by school staff.

Camelot offers advanced academic services for all students as identified.

Please contact Amy Ivey, ([email protected]) Advanced Academics Resource Teacher for any questions.

See the attached flyer for more information.

Recording from Mrs. Ivey's AAP information session.

Camelot 2024-2025 Full-Time AAP Screening and Identification Information

Spring 2024 AAP Newsletter (translations available)




FCPS Elementary Advanced Academics Page