Booked for Breakfast
This is a new event for Camelot, and it takes the place of Donuts with Grownups. Parents/caregivers are invited to come to school one morning to share a book and a donut with your children in the school library. Our Booked for Breakfast event is broken up into 4 sessions, and families are encouraged to attend on the date that corresponds with your last name (as that is how we will plan for donut quantity). If your family members have different last names, choose a date that works best. We look forward to welcoming families as follows: last names A-C come on February 21, last names D-K come on February 28, last names L-R come on March 28, and last names S-Z come on April 25. If you have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Vickers, Camelot’s Librarian, at @email.